Democratic Using the democratic style , the leader engages people in discussions and final decision-making, although the process can vary from having the leader call the shots to reaching agreement to finding consensus in the group.. People generally appreciate being consulted, especially if they have been used to more authoritative decisions that they disagreed with in the past. However, this style can be problematic when there is a wide range of opinions and there is no clear way to reach a consensus.
Also when there is great time pressure to finish a project or work. The example and situation in which this style could be used is when looking to relocate a team buy email database from one place to another, since they are likely to be happier with the final collaborative result achieved. This type of leadership is particularly useful in companies that practice continuous process improvement , since everyone is motivated to accelerate the process of continuous improvement.
It is also useful in highly competitive and large companies where the best ideas are allowed to rise to the top, making it easier for new leaders to emerge within the organization. Advantages and disadvantages of each type of leadership Advantages of authoritarian leadership Decision making is fast: With one person making the decisions, consultation is eliminated and therefore decisions can be made very quickly.