At the same time, distance education has been carried out Free download Opt-in I agree to the processing of personal data but many years ago, and electronic learning tools were not even thought about at that time. As far back as the 2000s, students had the opportunity to receive educational materials in the mail, as well as send completed homework. In this form, distance education existed until the last century, when personal computers began to become more common.
During this time, educational materials were also phone number list sent by mail. But these are no longer textbooks and pamphlets, but multimedia files burned on the . The development of Internet technology has made high-speed data transmission using the global network virtually ubiquitous and accessible to everyone. Gone is the need to send electronic media by mail. When talking about distance technology in education, we also mean e-learning. No more waiting for a package with textbooks or video tutorials. Lectures and seminars are organized in the form of webinars and conferences via video links on special platforms and services. These technologies make it possible to become a student of any university in the world without leaving home. Marketing Communications as a Way to Engage with Your Target Audience Read also Marketing.
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